Pierz Youth Wrestling | INFO/REGISTRATION
Thank you for your interest in the Pierz Youth Wrestling Program. The following information is to help you understand our wrestling program.
How old does my child need to be to participate in your program?
Kindergarten through 6th Grade
**5th & 6th Grade wrestlers participate in the Middle School wrestling program in November, December & January. They will join the youth wrestling program in February to prepare for the NYWA postseason individual and dual tournaments.
Where are practices held?
3rd & 4th Grade Practices are held in the High School Wrestling Room (5th & 6th Graders will join this practice in February)
Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade practices are held in the Pioneer Elementary Gym
When are practices?
Monday’s & Wednesday’s
3rd & 4th Grade – 6:00-7:15pm (5th & 6th Graders will join this practice in February/March)
1st & 2nd Grade – 6:00-7:15pm
Kindergarten – 6:00-7:00pm (Monday's ONLY)
How much does it cost?
There is no registration fee to be a part of the youth wrestling program. However, there are entry fees to participate in weekend tournaments. Additionally, all families K-12 are required to work at our three home youth tournaments and sell books of raffle tickets.
When does the season start?
The season starts in early December
How do I sign up?
Fill out the registration Google Form completely and submit it.
What does by child need for practice?
All they need is a T-shirt, athletic short or pants with NO pockets or zippers and wrestling shoes (or clean tennis shoes). Headgear is optional. No hats or jewelry of any type are to be worn during practice. NO STREET SHOES ARE ALLOWED ON THE MATS IN THE WRESTLING ROOM AT ANYTIME THIS INCLUDES WRESTLERS, PARENTS, SIBLINGS AND GUESTS.
Can I watch my child practice?
Due to the large number of participants and the limited space in the wrestling room, we do not allow parents to be in the room during practice. We have found that kids are more focused on the coaches and practicing if the parents are not in the room as well. Thank you for understanding.
Does my child need a singlet and how do I get one?
We have really nice Pierz singlet’s for ALL wrestlers in our youth wrestling program. At the first night of youth practice (registration night) we will issue a Pierz singlet to the parents of each youth wrestler K-6. These singlet’s are required to be returned at the end of the season.
Does my child need wrestling shoes?
Your child is not required to have wrestling shoes. However, Most youth wrestlers do wear wrestling shoes. The youth wrestling program has a number of youth wrestling shoes to issue out each year to youth wrestlers at registration night. These shoes are required to be returned at the end of the season. If you would like to buy wrestling shoes, buying them online would be your best bet. If you have wrestling shoes at home that your child has out grown please donate them to the wrestling club to loan out to other youth wrestlers.
Does my child need a Headgear?
Wearing a headgear in youth wrestling is optional. Wearing a headgear during the NYWA post season is required. The youth wrestling program has a limited number of headgear to issue out each year to youth wrestlers at registration night. These headgear are required to be returned at the end of the season.
Pierz Youth Wrestling Code Of Conduct
As a member of the Pierz Youth Wrestling Program you will be expected to follow these rules and to behave appropriately at all times, this includes wrestling events, school and in public.
1. No verbal, physical or psychological abuse of any other wrestler, coach, parent or tournament official. All wrestlers will treat each other, parents, and coaches with respect and dignity regarding language, attitude and mannerisms. Bullying and/or hazing will not be tolerated.
2. Respect the property and equipment used at any sports facility both home and away. Any abuse of our practice room is not tolerated.
3. Wrestlers must listen to and follow the directions of all coaches. Wrestlers will be expected to work hard at practice or will be asked to sit. Wrestlers are not to be disruptive during practice or competitions.
4. Win or lose, wrestlers MUST shake hands and congratulate their opponent.
5. Treat other wrestlers, coaches, parents and spectators with respect, regardless of race, color, creed, sex or ability.
6. Tell coaches of any injuries. If you were injured when not at wrestling the coaches need to know. Injured wrestlers may not wrestle if the injury is serious. Wrestling is a combative contact sport; you will get bumps, bruises, scrapes and pulled muscles from time to time.
7. Wrestlers should make every effort to attend all scheduled practices.
8. Wrestlers should be 5 minutes early to a scheduled practice, this gives you time to get ready so practice can begin on time. Wrestlers should be no more than 10 minutes early to practice.
9. Wrestlers are not allowed in the wrestling room until a coach is present.
10. Wrestlers should not intentionally harm or perform any moves not taught or approved by the coaches.